6 Reasons To Avoid Fast Food

We all know the harmful effects of fast food. There are many reasons to avoid fast food, but people often tend to forget them conveniently.

If you know these harmful effects of fast food on your health, you will think many times before buying them from your favourite fast food chain or bakery.

The severe health risks caused by fast foods must not be forgotten. These days, every third person is struck by vital diseases. It is all due to the changing food habits and lack of exercise.

So if you plan to visit your favourite fast food chain with your kids this weekend, think twice as fast food is bad for you and your family.

Read on to know the 6 reasons why fast food is definitely a no-no in your diet.

People are gaining weight due to unhealthy food patterns. Obesity is now a common disease amongst the young and old alike. Have you ever wondered about the harmful effects obesity will have on your health in the long run? You are prone to fatal diseases and can even die at a young age! Fast food is loaded with calories and fat. Those hamburgers and fried chicken that you love to munch on are slow-killers.

Risk of Diabetes is Higher
Fast foods are rich in sugar and fat. But these are not nutrients that favour your body system. It can have negative effects on your blood sugar levels and create imbalances which you surely do not want! Other complications such as high blood pressure, glaucoma and hearing loss are also due to eating too much of junk food.

Heart Diseases
Yes, eating junk food can cause heart ailments. Get ready to undergo heart attacks and strokes if you are a junkie. Studies have proved that people who eat too much of fast food are easily prone to major heart ailments.

Lack of Nutrients
Do you know that none of these junk fast food items have nutrients in them? They have a lot of calories and unwanted fats. This is one of the harmful effects of fast food on health. A well-balanced diet is essential for us. Fast food takes a toll over your regular body functioning and has a bad effect on your health.

Loss of Appetite
This is one of the harmful effects of fast food on health. Fast food can be consumed during any time of the day. Hence, the health risks of fast foods are higher. Regular food cooked at home will create an appetite in you. Fast food takes away that appetite. It later leads to obesity and other health risks.

Waste of Money
Don't you think too much of fast food is absolute waste of your money? It just creates a big hole in your pocket for no reason. Low income people find it hard to afford these kind of expensive food. But they buy it just so that they can show off! Eating home cooked food is good for your health and pocket too.

Posted by: Gayathri Krishna Published